Kampot Tours

You will never forget!

Amazing Experiences for People with a

sense of adventure

Hard time choosing?
Check our Tour Comparison !

If you still have a question,
have a look at our Activities FAQ !


Discovery Tour

The real deal! A half day adventure combining all our activities. Discover an exciting world outside your comfort zone. A healthy mix of fun, excitement and action for novice or veteran.

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4 hrs
Abseiling down beautiful caves

Khmer Highlight

A beginner selection of our finest ventures. Prepare to enter a cave labyrinth after a thrilling descend! Behold amazing stalactites and flora inside with splendid countryside views atop the mountain!

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2,5 hrs
toprope climbing our beginner routes with stalagtites

Rock Climbing

Outdoor rock climbing, hurray! There is a multitude of ropes  to choose from covering all levels from beginner to expert. Enjoy 4 hours of interesting routes in cool, shady and beautiful surroundings.

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4 hrs

Easy Climb

The ideal introduction to rock climbing in Cambodia. 2,5 hours of easy climbing will leave an everlasting impression of how beautiful nature, adventure and sport can be.

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2,5 hrs

Lead Climbing Course

This course is your ticket to lead climbing. We'll teach you how to clip in and successfully build your first outdoor anchor. Our intimate site allows us to supervise every move you make for maximum safety.

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4 hrs

The Mix

All routes are professionally bolted and suitable for lead climbing. If you got the skills already why not lead our interesting 30 meter climbs or challenge yourself by toproping above your level.

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4 hrs

Discovery Tour



4 hrs



Easy Climbing

Toprope Climbing

Lead Climbing

Via Ferrata

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Abseiling down beautiful caves

Khmer Highlight



3 hrs



Easy Climbing

Toprope Climbing

Lead Climbing

Via Ferrata

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Cave and Climb



3 hrs



Easy Climbing

Toprope Climbing

Lead Climbing

Via Ferrata

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toprope climbing our beginner routes with stalagtites

ro Rock ck Climbing



4 hrs


Caving (Optional)

Easy Climbing

Toprope Climbing

Lead Climbing

Via Ferrata

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Lead Climb Course



4 hrs



Easy Climbing

Toprope Climbing

Lead Climbing

Via Ferrata

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The Mix



4 hrs



Easy Climbing

Toprope Climbing

Lead Climbing

Via Ferrata

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What is Abseiling?

Abseiling or rappelling is going down with the aid of ropes and belay devices. Abseiling 30 meters down the caves

What is Via Ferrata?

A Via Ferrata is a steel cable attached to the rock where we clip onto twice to traverse in safety. There are 2 Via Ferratas inside the mountain and 1 on top of the mountain.Via Ferrata inside the caves

What is Easy Climbing?

Easy Climbing is a 30 meter very easy climbing route, like a tough scramble. You are belayed by a guide from above for maximum safety. As you climb (scramble) upwards, we keep the rope that holds you tight. There is no fall factor whatsover.

What is the difference between Toprope and Lead Climbing?

Toprope means the ropes are already hanging through the anchor above. On 1 end the climber is climbing stress-free and on the other end the belayer is belaying (keeping the rope tight). There is no fall factor.Toprope climbing in our climbing site.

Lead climbing means there are no ropes hanging through the anchor above. While climbing, the climber clips quickdraws into the bolts and threads the rope through the quickdraw, exposing the climber to a fall-factor. This is not stress-free.

It's raining? It's so hot! Now what?

We organize our tours all year round! The caves provide cool air and shade during the hot season, as well as shelter from the rain in rainy season. The occasional storm or shower has no influence at all. Only a few times a year, when there is continuous rainfall for days on end, parts of the tours can’t be performed and a proportional refund is applied. Tours can’t be cancelled due to rain. It needs a typhoon for us to close shop, in that case we will fully reimburse your booking.

Bear in mind:

  • Most rainfall is very local. While it’s raining at your guesthouse the sun is shining over the mountain.
  • Limestone rock dries incredibly fast. It only takes 10 minutes.
  • Most of our climbing and caving related activities are sheltered from the heavy rain and sun.
  • This is the tropics! A rare and unexpected shower might get you wet. We’ll make sure your valuables stay dry!

Non-Group Bookings

  • The total sum of a booking minus booking costs is fully reimbursed if cancelled more than 48 hours prior to the tour.
  • The total sum of a booking is not reimbursed if cancelled less than 48 prior to the tour.
  • The total sum of a booking is not reimbursed if people decide to cancel last minute, at the start or during the tour.
  • If you’d wake up unwell and not fit enough to do the tour you can reschedule for another day. If you’d leave next day we’ll reimburse half of the total sum, given a warning of your inability to make it to the climbing site prior to the tour in the morning due to sickness. This courtesy does not apply for accompanying people.

Group Bookings

  • The total sum of a booking minus booking costs is fully reimbursed if cancelled more than 14 days prior to the tour.
  • The total sum of a booking minus booking costs is reimbursed by half if cancelled less than 14 days prior to the tour.
  • The total sum of a booking is not reimbursed if cancelled less than 4 days prior to the tour.
  • There is no reimbursement for people who decide to cancel last minute, at the start or during the tour.
  • If there are people who wake up unwell and not fit enough to do the tour ,we’ll reimburse half of that person’s payment, given a warning of the inability to make it to the climbing site prior to the tour in the morning due to sickness.

The Weather

Tours can’t be cancelled due to rain. We organize our tours all year round! The caves are cool in hot season and dry in wet season. The occasional storm or shower has no influence on our tours. Only a few times a year, when there is continuous rainfall for days on end, parts of the tours can’t be performed and a proportional refund is applied.  It needs a typhoon for us to close shop, in that case we will fully reimburse your booking.

Bear in mind:

  • Most rainfall is very local. While it’s raining at your guesthouse the sun is shining over the mountain.
  • Limestone rock dries incredibly fast. It only takes 10 minutes.
  • Most of our climbing and caving related activities are sheltered from the heavy rain and sun.

Payment & Deposits

  • Apart from booking our tours online with credit card, a deposit of minimum half the total amount is sufficient to confirm a booking.
  • Deposits can be made by Paypal, Wing and ABA Bank transfer.
  • Independent Climbers are asked a valid ID, passport or driver’s license as a deposit for any Gear Rental.
  • No gear can be taken back to the hotel in case of multiple day rental. All gear is safely stored at the mountain.

Discovery Tour

The real deal! A half day adventure combining all our activities. Discover an exciting world outside your comfort zone. A healthy mix of fun, excitement and action for novice or veteran.

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per person
4 hrs

Easy Climb

The ideal introduction to rock climbing in Cambodia. 2,5 hours of easy climbing will leave an everlasting impression of how beautiful nature, adventure and sport can be.

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per person
2,5 hrs
Abseiling down beautiful caves

Khmer Highlight

A beginner selection of our finest ventures. Prepare to enter a cave labyrinth after a thrilling descend! Behold amazing stalactites and flora inside with splendid countryside views atop the mountain!

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per person
2,5 hrs

Khmer Highlight off

This tour covers the easier parts of the Discovery Tour at a gentle pace. We go easy climbing with beautiful Via Ferratas on top and inside the caves. We abseil down and explore the caves. Nothing too hard, after all, it's a holiday.

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per person
3 hrs

Lead Climbing Course

This course is your ticket to lead climbing. We'll teach you how to clip in and successfully build your first outdoor anchor. Our intimate site allows us to supervise every move you make for maximum safety.

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per person
4 hrs